Alaska III
Lot 17

Phillips auction house did the best article on these, here
The Phillips watch was sold for around $185,000 and differed a little from this one in that it had a part number engraved on the back. I think it might have been in slightly better condition. However with a watch this rare, the choice is to own or not to own, not to bicker about minor condition differences.
This watch also has classic chrono creep, but again, always service an Auction Watch.
Now lets get real – this is a spectacular speedmaster, and one I would buy at the bottom estimate without viewing. Its a no-brainer.
I would like to see a copy of the extract and try and find some idea of the provenance, but as long as the extract mentions Alaska then I am a buyer and I don’t mind telling you all.
For me this is the ultimate production speedmaster. Built for NASA but not issued to them. The one before the Phillips watch was confiscated by two Gorillas from the US Embassy when Bonhams tried to auction it. Ooops.
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