Pahawi’s Opener – The only one to have

All over this site, we make reference to serial numbers and case backs.
But how do you find those out? Well, you have to open the watch, and for that you need a tool.
Please note, this tool is made by a friend, Paul, and I have no financial interest at all – please contact Paul directly through link at bottom of page.
Our Speedmasters increase in value each day, it seems, so any amateur attention might be risky – so as with anything, you need the best tool you can.
This tool is a game-changer, because I can open the stiffest back with safety. No more slippage or scratches – or having to send the watch to a professional. The lugs fit snugly and firmly into every slot on the case back and allow a full even opening pressure into each slot, minimizing risk of damage.
Each opener is now shipped including a rubber grip.
I cannot recommend this tool highly enough.
The tool is built in Brass. The weight allows the teeth to find the sockets in the case back and the tool metal is softer, so less chance of damage.
This tool also fits many other references, and this is discussed over on OmegaForums HERE
Price List
- Brass USD $90 (including rubber grip)
- Custom-made lever bar $10 (As shown below)
Postage rates:
- Without tracking $10 (over 95% are shipped all over the world this way, and So far no losses without tracking!)
- With Tracking $20
- By PayPal (If you choose no tracking, then you must use Friends and family option)
These are made to order so please allow one to three weeks for manufacture, plus delivery time.
How to Buy
To order, please email Paul using the link below:
Email Paul here. Remember to say which country, and if you want a bar
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